How it Works
When you join SlideClub, you receive monthly slides, which you insert in your own decks to make specific points memorable.
The slides are intended to engage and stimulate the brain, and have been tested with our EEG (electroencephalogram) technology.
Step 1
Tell us your presentation style and needs so you receive the most relevant slides each month.
Step 2
Download slides you receive each month and place any of them in any deck, right before a point you want others to remember.
Step 3
Enjoy creating a memory in someone else's brain to impact their decision making.
Why SlideClub?
Command attention and engagement with unique and insightful design
Break a pattern your audience's brains have learned to expect
Use slides tested with EEG technology to ensure focus, interest, and excitement
Control what others remember by placing your most important points after the SlideClub slides
Choose a Plan That Suits Your Needs
Success Stories
Customers using SlideClub
- When you are inserting the slides you receive in your deck, you may be deviating from some existing guidelines but only briefly. Remind them that you are still using internal decks and templates. In fact, deviation from the pattern (which equals more attention) is possible only when you’re using existing templates, which offer you consistency and standard design. So compliment them on their work and remind them that you’re working toward the same cause: to create attention and deliver memorable messages.
- The slides are created to have a fairly neutral visual identity and they are likely to provide the necessary effect (heightened state of attention); in most decks, they will not be perceived as an eyesore.
- If you are part of Marketing or an internal design team, you will also benefit from slides. Feel free to copy the ideas and re-create them internally, using your own branding guidelines and your own visuals. We’re available to help with the design work, if you don’t have the internal resources.
- You could but that’s not fair because you are using someone’s work without paying.
- It takes a while to search for photos, embed them in a slide, and then figure out how to make the design look polished…In addition to time, in the end, you may still not be certain if the slide captures attention and generates emotion – two variables that impact memory.
A static picture does not have the same impact as a slide already created with animations and brain science principles. In addition, with a picture, you still have to insert it in a slide and potentially do additional work with it. Our slides are just a copy/paste function away.
- We have spent a lot of time testing and designing the slides and we know they work the way they have been crafted. If there is something necessary to edit, contact us.
- We protect the copyright of those who have created the images and videos.
About Us
We are a team of neuroscientists and designers who combine our forces to help presenters deliver memorable slides. We believe in a culture of constant improvement. People have been creating slides for decades, but have they been getting better at it? You have been shampooing your hair for decades. Are you better at it? Repeatedly doing something does not guarantee you will improve. To improve, you need deliberate action.
At SlideClub, we work on finding ways to create memories in audiences' minds deliberately, through constant improvement.

Our product includes beautiful slides that have been scientifically tested. This is what you see. What you don't see are the hundreds of briefs, thousands of hours of creating and testing, countless late nights, going back to the well again and again and again, choosing EEG technologies and designs that give the brain just the right electrochemical cocktail to generate a response in someone else's brain and create a memory trace.
What keeps us happy are our users stories who report enjoying using the slides they receive each month and earning a spot in someone's brain. They also enjoy the surprise feeling each month, clicking on the download link and enjoying the combination of beauty and science in each slide.
You're most likely doing a great job presenting right now, but it's also likely that you can do it even better. Welcome to SlideClub!
SlideClub slides are the brainchild of Memzy, an agency that uses neuroscience to help teams create and deliver memorable content. Memory is who we are and what we do.